Are you a microguru?


Are you a Microguru? In the 60's the Beatles trekked to an ashram in India to find their guru. But now almost everyone has something to teach. Self discovery and mindfulness are so widespread that guru-ism is more egalitarian. To be a Micro-guru you need only to have moderate charisma, a refined message, and a following of just a few. Here are some of my latest microguruisms...

  1. No Rules. stop doing what's appropriate or socially expected. Instead, do what you want and do it your way.

  2. Be the sun not a planet. Find your center and dont chase other people's dreams.

  3. Randomness and spontaneity. Clear a space in your life for these things to occur frequently. Do go to the weird sounding art exhibit 45 minutes away. Experiences are never a waste of time.  

  4. Practice conceptual absurdity. take silliness much further, thats where creativity lies.

  5. Meandering and Goals are not at odds. Do set goals but then take a winding, indirect path to get there. It will be much more fun and you will be more interesting.


The Boho Manifesto

